2017年7月17日 星期一

芒果椰子蛋糕Mango and Coconut Cake

芒果椰子蛋糕Mango and Coconut Cake

份量: 6–inch cake


175g               無鹽牛油                                Unsalted Butter
150g               白                                        White Sugar
3 pcs               雞蛋(分開)                             Egg (Separated)
1 tsp               雲尼拿油                                Vanilla Extract
275mL           椰奶                                        Coconut Milk
3/4 tsp            泡打粉                                    Baking Powder
200g               低筋麵粉                                Cake Flour
1/8 tsp                                                        Salt
50g                 椰絲                                        Coconut Flakes


~2 pcs            芒果                                        Mangoes
50g                椰絲                                        Coconut Flakes
200g              淡忌廉                                    Whipping Cream
2 Tbsp           糖霜                                        Icing Sugar


1.        將焗爐預熱至180C
2.        在蛋糕模鋪上牛油底紙。
3.        將牛油在室溫放軟。
4.        將低筋麵條過篩,並與鹽和泡打粉混合。



1.        將牛油和糖打發至企身。
2.        逐一加入蛋黃打發,然後加入雲尼拿油。
3.        1/3的乾性材料和1/2的椰汁交替拌入,最後一次加入乾性材料時同時加入椰絲。
4.        在一個清潔的碗將蛋白打發至七成企身。
5.        將蛋白霜分兩次輕輕拌入麵糊。
6.        將麵糊分到36吋蛋糕模。
7.        放入焗爐焗30-35分鐘。
8.        冷卻後,將蛋糕脱模。


1.        削去芒果的皮,將兩邊的果肉切出來,然後切成薄片(大約1-1.5個芒果),將剩餘的果肉切粒。
2.        將椰絲放在乾身的平底鑊,不停攪拌至金黃,離火放在一旁備用。
3.        將糖霜篩入淡忌廉,並將淡忌廉打發至企身,放入雪櫃備用。
4.        蛋糕冷卻後,切去蛋糕的頂部。
5.        在轉盤上放上一張與蛋糕大小相同卡紙,將第一層蛋糕放到卡紙上,在蛋糕上抹上忌廉,抹平後放上果肉粒。放上第二層蛋糕,然後重覆以上的步驟,最後放上最後一層蛋糕。
6.        將忌廉抹上蛋糕的外圍和頂部,抹平後將椰絲舖上外圍,然後將蛋糕放入雪櫃大約半小時。
7.        將剩下的忌廉放入擠袋內,在蛋糕頂部圍邊擠花,並在中間額外抹上一層忌廉。
8.        將芒果片由外圍開始擺放直到擺滿芒果片。


1.        Preheat the oven at 180C.
2.        Line your cake pans with parchment paper.
3.        Let the butter soften at room temperature.
4.        Sift the cake flour. Mix in the salt and baking powder.


Coconut Cake

1.        Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy.
2.        Mix in the yolks one at a time, mixing after each addition and add in the vanilla as well.
3.        Add the dry ingredients and coconut milk alternatively, ending with the dry ingredients. Then fold in the coconut flakes.
4.        In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until medium peaks.
5.        Fold in the whipped egg whites in 2 additions.
6.        Divide the batter in to 3 6-inch cake pans.
7.        Bake the cakes for 30-35 minutes.
8.        Once cool, remove the cakes from the pans.


1.     Peel and core the mangos. Slice the mangos (~1-1.5 mangos) into thin slices and chop the remaining into small pieces.
2.     Roast the coconut flakes in a dry frying pan until golden.
3.     Sift the icing sugar into the whipping cream and whip until firm peaks formed.
4.     Once the cakes are completely cooled, trim and level the cakes.
5.     On a turning table, place a piece of cardboard paper and the first layer of cake on top. Smooth on some whipped cream and distribute half of the mangos pieces on top. Repeat this step until you layer the third layer of cake.
6.     Smooth some whipped cream onto the side and the top of the cake. Use a cake scrapper to straighten up the sides. Sprinkle the roasted coconut flakes onto the sides of the cake and place the cake into the refrigerator for half an hour.
7.     Place the remaining whipped cream into a pipping bag with a star tip. Pipe a border around the top of the cake. Also, add an extra layer of whipped cream in the middle of the border.
8.     Layer the mango slices starting from the border and fill the entire cake top with mango slices.

