2016年8月22日 星期一

燕麥朱古力曲奇 Chocolate Oat Cookies

燕麥朱古力曲奇 Chocolate Oat Cookies

份量: 6–inch cake


90g                 無鹽牛油                        Unsalted Butter
60g                 砂糖                                White Sugar
30g                 黑糖                                Dark Brown Sugar
1 pcs               雞蛋                                Egg
1 Tbsp            可可粉                            Cocoa Powder
80g                 燕麥                                Oats
40g                 全能麵粉                        All-purpose Flour
40g                 全麥麵粉                        Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 tsp            泡打粉                            Baking Powder
1/8 tsp                                                Salt


朱古力粒                        Chocolate Chips
果仁                                Nuts
*I used walnuts in this video.
迷你棉花糖                    Mini marshmallow
已調溫朱古力                Tempered Chocolate


1.        將焗爐預熱至160C
2.        將牛油在室溫放軟。
3.        將可可粉過篩,並與其他乾性材料混合。


1.        將牛油和糖打發至企身。
2.        加入雞蛋打。
3.        分兩次加入乾性材料,輕輕拌入。
4.        拌入朱古力碎和果仁。(鍾意加幾多就幾多^_^)
5.        放入雪櫃約15分鐘。
6.        1 tsp – 1 Tbsp份量的麵團到手上滾圖,放到焗盤上。
7.        將麵團壓扁,亦可在麵團上放上棉花糖。
8.        放入焗爐焗12-15分鐘。
9.        冷卻後,可在曲奇上擠上液朱古力。


1.        Preheat the oven at 160C.
2.        Let the butter soften at room temperature.
3.        Sift the cocoa powder. Mix the dry ingredients.


1.        Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy.
2.        Mix in the egg.
3.        Add the dry ingredients in 2 additions and fold in gently.
4.        Add the nuts and chocolate chips. (Add as much as you want!)
5.        Place the dough into the fridge for 15 minutes.
6.        Place 1 tsp - 1 Tbsp-size dough on your hand and roll it into a ball. Place it onto your baking tray.
7.        Flatten the dough with your palm. You can also add a marshmallow on top.
8.        Bake at 160C for 12-15 minutes.
9.        Once cool, you can drizzle the cookies with melted chocolate.

