2016年6月4日 星期六

蘋果燕麥鬆餅 Apple Oat Muffins

蘋果燕麥鬆餅 Apple Oat Muffins

份量: 6   6 pcs 


60g                 全能麵粉(中筋)             All-purpose Flour
60g                 全麥麵粉                        Whole Wheat Flour
20g                 燕麥(即食)                     Oats (Quick)
1 1/2 tsp         泡打粉                            Baking Powder
1/4 tsp            梳打粉                            Baking Soda
1/8 tsp                                                Salt
40g                 黃糖                                Light Brown Sugar
1 tsp               檸檬皮                            Lemon Rind
1 pcs               雞蛋                                Egg
120g               乳酪                                Yogurt
60g                 蘋果泥                            Applesauce
25g                 *牛油                              *Butter
1/2 tsp            雲尼拿油                        Vanilla Extract
1 pcs               細蘋果                            Small Apple
40g                 提子乾                            Raisins

*As the required amount is small, you may use both salted or unsalted butter


1.        將焗爐預熱至190C
2.        將牛油隔熱水或用微波爐加熱溶化。
3.        將檸檬清洗好並刨出檸檬皮。
4.        將蘋果刨或切成絲。(不要過早準備蘋果絲,否則蘋果會氧化。)


1.        將麵粉、燕麥、糖、泡打粉、梳打粉、鹽和檸檬皮混合。
2.        將雞蛋打發,加入乳酪、雲尼拿油和牛油溶液,並攪拌至均勻。
3.        將液體材料加到乾性材料中,輕輕拌入。
4.        加入蘋果絲和提子乾。
5.        將麵糊平均倒入6個鋪了紙杯的蛋糕模。
6.        放入焗爐以190C20-25分鐘。
7.        完成後將鬆餅從盤內取出,在鋼鐵架上放涼。


1.        Preheat the oven at 190C.
2.        Melt the butter in a microwave or over some hot water.
3.        Grate the skin of a washed lemon.
4.        Grate the wash apple. (Do not do this step too early, otherwise the apple may turn brown.)


1.        Mix the flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar and lemon rind.
2.        In another bowl, mix together an egg, yogurt, vanilla and melted butter.
3.        Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and fold it in gently.
4.        Add the grated apple and raisins.
5.        Divide the batter between 6 muffin cups that are lined with paper liners.
6.        Bake at 190C for 20-25 minutes.

7.        Once they are done, take the muffins out of the pan and let cool on a wire rack.

