2016年7月2日 星期六

火腿芝士潛艇 Ham & Cheese Buns

火腿芝士潛艇 Ham & Cheese Buns

份量:4 pcs

材料 Ingredients

湯種 Dough Roux

10g                高筋麵粉                    Bread Flour
50g                                                            Water

麵團 Bread Dough

150g              高筋麵粉                    Bread Flour
+ ~50g
50g                低筋麵粉                    Cake Flour
1 tsp              酵母                            Instant Yeast
10g                奶粉                            Milk Powder
20g                                                            Sugar
1/4 tsp                                                                  Salt
60mL                         暖水                            Warm Water
50mL                         暖牛奶                                    Warm Milk
20g                有鹽牛油                    Salted Butter

饀料 Filling

75g                             高溶點芝士                Processed Cheese
1 Tbsp                       奶粉                            Milk Powder
120mL                       全脂牛奶                    Whole Milk
35g                有鹽牛油                    Salted Butter
3-4pcs                                    火腿                            Ham

~50g                         全能麵粉                    All-purpose Flour


1.        將牛奶和水加熱至體溫。
2.        將牛油在室溫放軟。(我用嘅係植物牛油,所以唔洗放軟)
3.        將高溶點芝士切成小粒。
4.        將焗爐預熱至180C



1.        將水逐少拌入麵粉,用中小火煮,必須不停攪拌。
2.        變成糊狀後放在一旁備用。


1.        將高筋、低筋麵粉、糖、奶粉、鹽和酵母混合,加入牛奶、水和湯種攪拌。
2.        將麵團放在灑有麵粉的工作枱上搓1520分鐘。
3.        將牛油加到麵團並搓至光滑。
4.        將麵團放在溫暖的地方發酵1小時。


1.        混合牛奶和奶粉,加入牛油,隔水攪拌至牛油完全溶化。
2.        加入高溶點芝士,攪拌至溶化,放入雪櫃備用。(可以過篩以防有粒粒)
3.        將火腿切成4等份,每份大約3片。


1.        將已發酵1小時的麵團分成4等份,搓圓後放鬆15分鐘。
2.        在灑有全能麵粉的工作枱上將麵團擀成橢圓形,大約2mm的厚度。
3.        在麵團上抹上1/4的芝士醬,舖上火腿,然後將麵團封口。
4.        將麵團放到麵粉中打滾,然後放到焗盤上發酵30-45分鐘。
5.        發酵完成後用刀在麵團上割開小洞。
6.        放入焗爐以180C25-30分鐘。


1.        Heat the milk and water until warm.
2.        Let the butter soften at room temperature. (I’m using butter spread so I )
3.        Cut the processed cheese into small pieces.
4.        Preheat the oven at 180C.


Dough Roux

1.        Add water to the flour slowly while mixing until combine. Cook on medium low heat while stirring constantly.
2.        Once thicken, set aside.

Bread Dough

1.        Mix the flours, salt, sugar, milk powder and yeast, and add in the milk, water and dough roux.
2.        Knead the dough on a floured surface for 15-20 minutes.
3.        Add in the soften butter and knead until smooth.
4.        Rest in a warm place for an hour.


1.        Mix the milk powder and milk together. Add the butter and whisk over a double boiler.
2.        Add in the cheese and whisk until all melted and smooth. Refrigerate.
3.        Cut the ham into 4 equal portions. About 3 pieces per portion.


1.        Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll them into balls. Let them rest for 15 minutes.
2.        Roll the dough into an oval shape (~2mm thick) on a floured surface.
3.        Spread the cheese sauce and lay out the ham. Then seal the dough.
4.        Roll the dough in a little flour and rest them on a baking tray for 30-45 minutes.
5.        Poke some holes on the dough.
6.        Bake at 180C for 25-30 minutes.

