2016年5月30日 星期一

蘋果薄煎餅 Apple Pancakes



I believe that most people have tried pancakes, but have you tried making them yourself? I remember when I was a kid, I would beg my mum to buy those pancake mix. Well obviously she didn't buy them. When I grew up and saw those pancake mix again, there was an urge of making pancakes in me. At first, my pancakes either came out tasteless, or with no colour or with patches of colour. It was not successful.

After numbers of trying, I've finally figured out how to make a good pancakes. I even tried adding different ingredients and make the pancakes more special. Making pancakes seems to be quite easy but the truth is is not. It not easy to make pancakes that are both delicious and beautiful. But I believe that if you practise more, the results will be great and you can enjoy your own perfect pancakes as well.

蘋果薄煎餅 Apple Pancakes        

份量: 6

材料 Ingredients

2 Tbsp            白糖                                White Sugar
1 pcs              雞蛋                                Egg
120 mL           牛奶                                Milk
1 Tbsp            菜油                                Vegetable Oil
1/2 tsp            雲尼拿油 (可不放)           Vanilla Extract (Optional)
100g               無糖蘋果泥                     Unsweetened Apple Sauce
150g               低筋麵粉                         Cake Flour
1 1/2 tsp         泡打粉                            Baking Powder
1/4 tsp                                                Salt


1.       將低筋麵粉、泡打粉和鹽過篩。


1.       將雞蛋和糖打發。
2.       加入牛奶、菜油、雲呢拿油和蘋果泥,攪拌至均勻。
3.       將液體材料加到乾性材料,用刮刀輕輕攪拌。
4.       在平底鑊上塗上一層薄薄的油,並用中火預熱平底鑊。
5.       當平底鑊已預熱好,把平底鑊放在濕布上降溫。
6.       將溫度調教至細火。
7.       將麵糊放在平底鑊中間,蓋上鑊蓋,等待2-3分鐘。
8.       當麵糊表面上出現很多氣泡,用鑊鏟將薄餅翻轉,蓋上鑊蓋再等1-2分鐘。
9.       將煎薄餅放在碟上,趁熱食用。


1.       Sift the flour, baking powder and salt.


1.       Beat the egg and sugar.
2.       Add in the milk, vegetable oil, vanilla and applesauce and mix well.
3.       Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Gently fold everything together.
4.       Add a thin coating of oil to a frying pan and preheat on medium heat.
5.       Once hot, cool the pan down on a wet towel.
6.       Turn the heat down to low.
7.       Spoon the batter onto the center of the pan. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes.
8.       When the many air bubbles appear on the surface, flip the pancake. 
         Cover again and cook for 1-2 minutes.
9.       Place the pancake on a plate and serve while it’s hot.

