2016年6月20日 星期一

豆腐慕絲蛋糕 Tofu Mousse Cake

豆腐慕絲蛋糕 Tofu Mousse Cake

份量:6吋蛋糕 6-inch cake
 材料 Ingredients

50g/3 pcs         消化餅乾                Digestive Biscuit
20g                  無鹽牛油                Unsalted Butter
230g                豆腐                        Tofu
100 mL            豆漿                        Soya Bean Milk
120 mL            淡忌廉                    Whipping Cream
40g                  糖霜                        Icing Sugar
1 Tbsp             魚膠粉                    Gelatin Powder
3 Tbsp                                         Water


1.        準備一個6吋圓形蛋糕模和一張6吋的牛油紙放在模內。(如果有圍邊膠條可以將個蛋糕模圍邊,會易啲脱模。)
2.        將無鹽牛油用熱水座溶。
3.        將魚膠粉和水混合,放在一旁備用。


1.        將消化餅打碎,加入無鹽牛油溶液混合,並將餅碎倒入蛋糕模內壓平,放入雪櫃冷藏。
2.        將豆腐過篩,加入豆漿攪拌。
3.        將淡忌廉倒進冷凍過的碗,篩入糖霜,打發至七成企身。
4.        將豆腐漿分三次加入忌廉,輕輕拌入。
5.        將魚膠混合物用熱水座溶,加入少許豆腐慕絲,然後一邊攪拌一邊將魚膠混合物加到剩餘的豆腐慕絲中。
6.        將豆腐慕絲倒進蛋糕模內,放入雪櫃冷藏2-3小時。


1.        Prepare a 6-inch round cake mold and line the bottom with a piece of parchment paper. (You can line the side of the mold with a plastic liner for easy removal of the cake.
2.        Melt the butter over hot water.
3.        Combine the gelatin and water. Set aside.


1.        Crush the digestive biscuits into fine crumbs and add the melted butter. Push the biscuit into the mold and refrigerate.
2.        Sift the tofu and combine with the soya bean milk.
3.        Place the whipping cream in a cold bowl and sift in the icing sugar. Whip the cream until it reaches soft peaks.
4.        Fold in the tofu mixture to the whipped cream in 3 additions.
5.        Melt the gelatin over hot water and add some tofu mixture to combine. Add the gelatin mixture to the main batter while whisking quickly.

6.        Pour the mousse into the biscuit mold and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

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