2016年6月12日 星期日

自家製薄餅 Homemade Pizza

自家製薄餅 Homemade Pizza

份量:10吋薄餅 10-inch pizza

材料 Ingredients:

麵團 Pizza Dough

3/4 tsp                         酵母                            Yeast
100 mL                       暖水                            Warm Water
150g                            全能麵粉(中筋)         All-purpose Flour
+ 30-50g
1 tsp                            砂糖                            Sugar
1/2 tsp                                                         Salt
1 Tbsp                         橄欖油                        Olive Oil

餡料 Toppings

1-2 Tbsp                                                      Oil
90g                              碎牛肉                        Minced Beef
1/4 tsp                         乾牛至                         Dry Oregano

1/8 tsp                                                          Salt
1/8 tsp                         黑胡椒                         Black Pepper
1 clove                        蒜蓉                             Minced Garlic
2 Tbsp                         茄膏                             Tomato Paste
2 Tbsp                         茄汁                             Ketchup
1 Tbsp                         黃糖                             Brown Sugar
1/4 tsp                         乾羅勒                         Dry Basil
1/8 tsp                                                          Salt
1/8 tsp                         黑胡椒                         Black Pepper
50g                              粟米粒                         Corn Kernels
50g                              蘑菇片                         Sliced Mushroom
70g                              菠蘿                             Pineapple
7-8 pcs                        意大利香腸                 Pepperoni
~20g                           巴馬臣芝士                  Parmesan Cheese
80g                              水牛芝士碎                 Pre-shredded Mozzarella Cheese
50g                              新鮮水牛芝士             Fresh Mozzarella Cheese


1.        酵母測試:將酵母放入暖水中,可加入少許糖協助發酵,攪拌後等待數分鐘。當水面出現泡沫,證明酵母能有效發酵。
2.        將焗爐連同焗盤預熱至230C(係我個焗爐嘅最高溫度)


1.        將麵粉、糖和鹽混合,加入酵母水和橄欖油攪拌成麵團。
2.        在工作枱灑上麵粉,將麵團搓至光滑。(大約15分鐘)
3.        放入塗了油的碗,麵團的表面也要塗上少許油,以免表面乾燥,用保鮮紙包好。





4.        發酵期間準備薄餅餡料。
5.        在鍋裏加入油,預熱後加入碎牛肉。當牛肉已上色,加入牛至、鹽和黑胡椒,攪拌後取出牛肉放在一旁備用。
6.        在同一個鍋裏加入蒜頭,蒜頭爆香後加人茄膏、茄汁、羅勒、黃糖、鹽和黑胡椒,攪拌後放在一旁備用。
7.        將粟米、蘑菇和菠蘿用廚房紙印乾,以免有過多水份在烤焗時滲出。
8.        發酵完成後,將麵團放在灑了麵粉的工作枱上,用手將麵團拉成10吋的薄餅。(詳情請參考影片^_^)
9.        將焗盆從焗爐拿出來,將薄餅放在焗盤上 小心熱!
10.     首先將番茄醬塗在薄餅上,然後灑上巴馬臣芝士碎和水牛芝士碎,再加上牛肉、粟米、蘑菇和菠蘿,最後鋪上意大利香腸和新鮮水牛芝士。
11.     將薄餅放入焗爐以230C20-30分鐘(每個人嘅焗爐都唔同,我焗左25分鐘個薄餅先上色,如果你個焗爐夠勁,可能1020分鐘都得,總之一上色就ok)


1.        Yeast test: Sprinkle the yeast onto the warm water along with a pinch of sugar. Stir it well and set it aside. After a few minutes, if there is a foam formed on the surface, it means that your yeast is alive.
2.        Preheat your oven along with your baking tray at 230C (that's the highest temperature of my oven)


1.        Mix your flour, sugar and salt in a bowl and add the yeast water and olive oil. Mix until everything is blended.
2.        On a floured surface, knead the dough until smooth. It takes about 15 minutes.
3.        Place the dough in an oiled bowl. Make sure to oil the sides of the dough as well to prevent a skin forming. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.

*Fermentation 1:

Place the dough in a warm spot (I usually place it my turned off microwave) for about an hour.

*Fermentation 2:

Place the dough into the fridge overnight up to 2 days. I like this method more as longer period of fermentation gives the dough better flavour.

4.        Prepare the toppings during fermentation.
5.        Add some oil in a small saucepan. Once hot, add in the minced beef and cook until it all turn brown. Add the oregano, salt and black pepper and stir well. Set aside.
6.        In the same saucepan, add the garlic. Once the flavour comes out, add in the tomato paste, ketchup, basil, sugar, salt and black pepper. Mix well and set aside.
7.        Dry off any excess water from the corn, mushroom and pineapple using a paper towel. This helps prevent water leaking during baking.
8.        Once the fermentation is done, turn the dough out on a generous floured surface and shape the dough into a 10-inch circle with your hands. (See further instructions in my video^_^)
9.        Carefully take the baking tray out of the oven and lay the dough into the tray.
10.     First spread the tomato sauce onto the dough. Then add some shredded Parmesan cheese and shredded Mozzarella cheese. After that, add the beef, corn, mushroom and pineapple. Lastly, top the pizza with some pepperoni and fresh Mozzarella cheese.

11.     Bake the pizza at 230C for 20-30 minutes. (Everyone's oven is very different. Mine took me 25+ minutes to brown my pizza. If your oven is strong enough, it can only take 10-20 minutes. Once the pizza has a nice colour, then it's done)

