2016年5月30日 星期一

無糖蘋果泥 Unsweetened Applesauce

我記得我第一次接觸蘋果泥係因為我要搵香蕉(我唔係太鍾意食香蕉..)嘅取代品去整muffins, 不過香港啲好多supermarket都冇賣蘋果泥, 後來發現原來蘋果泥好容易整, 就開始自己整啦. 我好鍾意起食譜裏面加入蘋果泥, 主要係我個人好鍾意食蘋果, 好中意蘋果嘅香甜, 而將佢加入食譜之後製成品亦都會好食啲同健康啲, 間接俾咗一個成日整嘢食嘅藉口俾我.

蘋果泥嘅用途真係好多㗎, 可以整蛋糕、煎薄餅、當做果漿、用喺普通餸菜裏面, 想嘅話就咁食都得嘅㗎, 唔單止好食, 而且健康, 仲可以用埋屋企食唔晒嘅蘋果添. 整左好多次之後, 覺得應該將依種咁好嘅食品share出去, 所以整咗份食譜出黎, 希望大家鍾意啦. 

The first time that I know about applesauce was that I was searching for a substitution for bananas in a muffin recipe, since I am not a fan of bananas. However, most Hong Kong supermarkets do not sell applesauce so I went to the internet to find a recipe for homemade applesauce. I was surprised by how easy to make your own applesauce. Since then, I started making applesauce and add it to different recipes. I really love the sweetness from the apples and the applesauce just makes my recipes taste even better and healthier as well.

There are many ways of using the applesauce, such as making cakes, pancakes, use as jam, use in different dishes. You can even eat it as a snack. It is sweet and delicious, but at the same time very healthy. You can also use up all the apples that you couldn't finish. Since applesauce is such a great food, I  think that I should help share it to other and tell them about this amazing treat. Therefore I created this simple recipe and I hope you are going to like it.

無糖蘋果泥  Unsweetened Applesauce

份量: 300g

材料 Ingredients 

4 pcs              蘋果 ()              Apples (Small)
1 tsp               檸檬汁                 Lemon Juice
3-4 Tbsp                                Water


1.       將已清冼好的蘋果剝皮丶去核和切成細粒。


1.       將蘋果粒丶檸檬汁和3湯羹水放入煲內。
2.       蓋上煲蓋以中小火煮20-25分鐘。
3.       每隔數分鐘需攪拌一次
4.       如果煲內的水已蒸發,可以加多1湯羹水。
5.       當蘋果粒變得非常軟身,能輕易壓爛時,便可以熄火。
6.       用薯仔壓或叉將蘋果粒壓成泥狀。
7.       將蘋果泥放入密封的樽或盒內,並存放在雪櫃內。
8.       蘋果泥可存放最多一個星期。

學識整之後, 可以自行調教材料嘅份量, 想冇咁酸嘅可以落少啲檸檬汁, 想多啲口感嘅可以煮短啲時間, 亦都可以加入糖同香料, 例如肉桂或者肉荳蔻, 令蘋果泥有更多變化.


1.       Peel, core and dice the washed apples.

1.       Place the diced apples, lemon juice with 3 Tbsp of water into a medium saucepan.
2.       Cover and cook on medium low heat for 20-25 minutes.
3.       Remember to stir occasionally.
4.       If most of the water has evaporated, you can add an extra Tbps of water.
5.       Once the apples become soft and can be easily mashed, take it off the heat.
6.       Use a potato mash or a fork to mash the apples into puree.
7.       Store the applesauce into an airtight container and refrigerate.
8.       The applesauce can be store up to 1 week.

After you get the hang of this recipe, you can make different kind of changes. If you want it to be less sour, put less lemon juice. You can cook the apples with less time so that it will have more crunch. You can also add sugar or spices, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. 

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